
Saturday, October 24, 2009

favourite songs.....

this song is encouraging me whenever im down..

both are christian songs :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

A story of a father, a son and an illegitimate son.

there was a story, a father, a son and an illegitimate son(私生子).

This illegitimate son, one day, declared that he doesnt want to be under his father shelther and he went away and find another father as a substitution..His father..of cuz..let him go and let him do whatever he wants to do as he cant decide or determine the direction of his child.

Supposedly, the legal son of the father should inherit his father's property. but this illegitimate son...always come n take away the properties..and the legal son of the father didnt able to enjoy the inheritance that his father has given to him..

so this legal son..became upset and wanted to do something in order to get back what he supposed to have...

if u were the legal son of the father, what would u do?
will u fight for ur rights?
or will u just watch others stealing away ur rights?

Thursday, October 15, 2009


these 2 songs are nice..i like the 2nd song very much...REALIZe..
if u realize what i've just realized.....

well...it takes time to realize things :D

Monday, October 5, 2009



好记的,小时候,爸爸很爱打包牛肉粿条汤回来给我们吃。我们全家大小,都很爱吃牛肉粿条。。那香喷喷的味道,至如今也难忘。。我哥,我和我弟弟。。每当闻到 ‘它’ 的来临。。高兴得说不出口。。。


小时候,我也很爱吃黑豆沙包。。当时在地上有很多的黑色昆虫。。爸就说黑豆沙是黑虫 搅成的。。害得我不再敢吃黑豆沙包。。现在回想起来,觉得很好笑。。可能爸看见我那么馋嘴,就吓一吓我吧。。

好想 回去童年的时光。。。。。